Wednesday 13 October 2010

Kjersti's place.

The newest issue of Design Interior presents my pictures of interior architect Kjersti Hoel Gazzola's home  in Oslo.

I previously let out a couple of the images here, and can now safely show some more. The rest of them you can find in Design Interior no 5 2010. Enjoy her fun environment..


Ann said...

What a nice home...

Looking really lived-in, so real and yet so chic and lovely.

Anonymous said...

Very cosy and enyone can tell at once that a creative soul lives here :)
I like all the wooden surfaces that warm up the interiors, and the blacks... of course.

Anna Caroline {Design Studio 210} said...

Åh vad fint och mysigt detta hem är.

Är det du som har tagit bilderna?

Fru Trippel said...

Jeg liker bloggen din så fantastisk godt! Så ufattelige mengder med inspirasjon! Er det greit at jeg låner bilder fra deg- linker selvsagt bloggen din til dem:)

Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said...

Simply perfect...just found your blog and happy I did!

Concept Interiors said...

hei!Tøff blogg, og likte spesielt godt innlegget om leiligheten ti lmarius ektvedt!Se kommen tar under posten:)

Casa Très Chic said...

So creative, love the door in the kids room.